Ruth Park Golf Course is open for its hours of sunrise to sunset.
Driving Range hours of operation are sunrise to 1/2 hour before sunset (weather permitting).
Starting times MAY BE RESERVED by calling 314.727.4800.
Online starting times maybe reserved as well.
Greens Fees and other Rates

*Users may only receive “Discounted Rate” with a valid University City or partner Identification Card.
**Youth – Age 17 or younger.
***Senior – Age 60 or older
Additional Information
Ruth Park Golf Course is open for play seven days a week, weather permitting.
Golf shop hours are in season daily from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm (March – October).
ALL PLAYERS MUST REGISTER BEFORE STARTING PLAY. NO GOLFERS ARE ALLOWED ON THE COURSE BEFORE 6:00 AM. Golf Carts must be retuned back to the golf shop area 15 minutes before sunset.
Reservations are recommended and accepted up to seven days in advance.
Persons wishing to secure three or more consecutive reserved starting times may do so with a valid credit card. Credit card will be charged based on the number of players that starting times are confirmed for.
Groups of 12 players or more will require a credit card to secure starting times.
Please make sure to show up at least 15 minutes before your starting time for registration and to help us get you started on time.
All golfers must begin play on the first hole. Golfers may not skip from one hole to another.
No groups of five or more allowed, unless given permission through the head golf manager to do so.
Each golfer must have a set of clubs, we offer quality rental sets for both men and women for $12.00
All alcoholic beverages must be purchased through Ruth Park Golf Course
In order to preserve the most consistent and pleasurable round of golf for all our patrons, no matter when they play or practice at our facilities, we have developed the following policies at Ruth Park Golf Course:
Ruth Park Golf Course is an alternative spike facility. The use of steel or ceramic spikes is prohibited. The dress code policy is enforced with patrons on the property including the driving range and the golf course.
Dress Code – Men
A shirt with or without a collar is permitted to use the facilities. Shirts must have sleeves. No tank tops or cut off sleeveless shirts for men are permitted. T-Shirts and/or jogging attire is permitted at the discretion of the staff at Ruth Park Golf Course. Golf shoes or sneakers are permitted, however hard soled street shoes or boots are not.
Dress Code – Ladies
Ladies are not required to wear shirts with a collar. T-Shirts, tank tops and/or jogging attire is acceptable. Jeans are permitted at the discretion of the staff at Ruth Park Golf Course. Golf shoes or sneakers are permitted, however hard soled street shoes or boots are not.
For more information or to reserve your tee time, call (314) 727-4800.