Ruth Park Golf Course is now offering Best in Class golf instruction through St. Louis Golf Lessons. St. Louis Golf Lessons has a team of 9 professionally certified instructors available to instruct players of all ages and skill levels. Instructors on staff coach men, women and children from ages 3 and up. Whether you are a rank beginner or a professional player, the staff at St. Louis Golf Lessons is experienced at working with players of every level from those just starting out in the game to PGA Tour Players. Founded by award winning Top 50 Teacher, Maria Palozola, St. Louis Golf Lessons offers private lessons and group classes throughout the year.
To schedule lessons and for more information please visit St. Louis Golf Lessons.
Adult Lessons: Co Ed Classes – St. Louis Golf Lessons (stlouisgolflessons.com)
Junior Lessons: Junior Golf Academy – St. Louis Golf Lessons (stlouisgolflessons.com)
Some of the group programs offered throughout the year include:
Ruth Park / University City Level 1 Classes
PGA Junior League
LPGA USGA Girls Golf
Little Birdies Golf Academy
Junior Golf Academy
High School Golf Academy
High School Golf League
LPGA 101
Men’s, Ladies and Co Ed Basics Clinics
Power and Speed Clinics
Women’s Golf League

Custom Club Fitting
St. Louis Golf Lessons staff will help assess your equipment and match your swing with the perfect set of clubs through our Callaway Certified Club Fitters. Fittings are free during your lesson or you can set up a stand alone fitting. We sell at the minimum advertised price.
Please visit St. Louis Golf Lessons for more information and rates!